Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hanging Out with Scott Schuman of The Sartorialist + Mango Fashion

I had the awesome opportunity to participate in a press conference hosted by Mango Fashion that was live streamed through youtube and Google + Hangout this morning...at 3:30 am (Barcelona is 6 hours ahead of us!) Each of us live streamers, inlcuding representatives from GQ Italy, GQ Germany, and several bloggers were able to ask Scott one question. I asked Scott what his favorite camera and lense was to shoot with (pretty typical photographer question, right? lol). Peep my question and his answer around the 50 min mark, I'm the girl with the fro' on the bottom right.

I was happy to see that he doesn't get too bent up about camera equipment, although he does use the popular Cannon Mark D; that it's the emotion you get out of the image is what really matters. He even stated he would publish a phone camera image if he felt it was good. I feel like am even bigger fan now!

Here's the link to the press conference on youtube and check out my last post about Scott Schuman {here}.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

{Peace} A Little Encouragement

To say I was feeling a little blah today is an understatement.  An overwhelming sense of insecurity has been building up inside over the last couple of weeks and totally overcame me today on my way to work.  It was a feeling of great uncertainty and doubt in myself that I couldn't seem to shake off.  And  it's not even that life is throwing me lemons or anything like that. On the contrary, everything is seemingly intact in the grand scheme of things, but a series of events and a peruse through The Alchemist  (<-- a must read!) has led me to question- I am walking in my purpose? Am I the best  me I can be? No, I'm not...and that revelation is weighing me down. 

I can't let that happen. 

After all,  It's well within my power to change, to redirect my life's course if need be. I'm made in His image, my life is in His hands. My peace is not to be sourced by outsider opinions or material validations. The peace is already within me, and so is that power. I was reminded that "Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world" (1 John 4:4), which goes along with a statement made on this blog, that "Peace is the knowledge that there is nothing greater, bigger, stronger or more effective than what is inside you." That something is God's peace. The peace that surpasses all understanding (Phillipians 4:7). 

I decided that I needed to make daily affirmations of this and did so by creating this screen saver,  which will serve as constant reminder. I do this pretty often actually and it's really helpful. Plus it makes my phone look all pretty and stuff :-P. Anywho, I feel a lot better now. 

 How do you stay encouraged? Anybody else create unique screen savers like this? Please share!

Photography and editing by me
Words by Keenan D. Wilson of TRM

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Collages by The Glamourai

Collages have always been one of my favorite mediums of art, and photography collages via photoshop is something I've been interested in doing with my projects for a while. Kelly Framel of The Glamourai executed this art form so beautifully in a recent post and I was definitely inspired! For more pics and her inspirations click {here}.